Saturday, October 07, 2006

Lightening Strike This

"And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death." (Leviticus 24:16)
and on those words of wisdom I think I'll grab a cold one.
Where be my Man of Morals - Mischief Moses -
Is he musing about after mealtime? Or out sprinting in pastures of potential portals of plenitude??!! The rocker's fantastic skippin the Wang Fang Doodle! He really rolls radically railing Reels in runaways rancors!! But not all is well when we Wayfarers of western worlds wield wayward worries with wanton wishful fullness - right? Shall I unassumingly play position pertaining powering persuasive parties concealed to sway the detractors to assemble heartily for the strike of indecision that must be faced precisely the moment of non action concerning one with the asymmetry of real time capability? Only then immediately and covertly sensing the outsourcing directed toward opponent behavior condescends accordingly for raising the stakes of further development pursuing the promised picture of futility? Assuming of course the assertion of attention arrives according to acronyms of asymmetrical assimilation's - we will have in accordance further futility fearing even frayed famously fostered failures finally famished from foolproof fretting! Again in simple terms I'll be back with a Reversal of Strategies. Now I best be skipping along.
The courtroom became so still the only noise heard was flypaper sticking. Not a jury member looked even the straight way their eyes peered. Disbelief - anger - fear - curiosity shattered. Heart beat - Heart beat Fearful the silence would stop them completely. You arrogant bastard - you representation of the descendants from the Land of Nod Get the Hell away from us.
Yet fear struck where fear strikes the fear of the stricken.
Suddenly a voice boomed very loudly. One that terrifies death. Death slowly slinking into the shadows of despair. Death screaming so loud still eve drowned by the noise of the flypaper sticking.
"I Am That I Am
Hear Me -
and You Bastard -
The LORD God of Hosts -
Fear Me"
The Voice Boomed On:
"I want you to No what God is - I want you to No what Death is. I want you to know what Love is - I want you to know what Life is. I want you to No the Fear creeping inside you."
Souls of Ancient History -
Trod we eternally the depths of hell our own making . Extracting all that life is to become one with this living hell. The kingdoms of nature to be fed upon the deaths which we are ourselves. Especially that which is loving to become death itself. Bound we have our sins with gravity and bound we have the resting-place we have come to plunder.
New and evil gods we create.. Gods that even we ourselves to serve and to serve that which we serve: The LORD God of Hosts. Ignorance and the shame of unknowing we thrust upon the water and the soil. We created a new and varied multiplication of ourselves. We give to The LORDS carnivorous hunger. The Lord God is a God of War and we war and we war and we slaughter ourselves and we slaughter those Beings from The Land of Nod. We demanded and we were obliged Self-multiplication, gross reproduction, cunning manipulation. We coerced a New Kingdom laying waste to rape the Beings from The Land of Nod. Slaves unto ourselves and slaves unto The LORDS carnivorous hunger. Our sphere was that of this gentle earth, pliable and manipulative and those Beings from The Land of Nod. "Let us make man in our image. "and make we did Man in Our Image. Our leader, The Lord God of Hosts the Great Prince of Darkness. Good he did create and evil upon he did lust.
The Lord God of Hosts himself second only unto the Supreme Being showed even unto us and endowed upon us the great command be fruitful and multiply. We were to become as gods for even the great fallen one did revere, our life, our seed, that which we thrust upon the earth.
Souls of Ancient History -
Many of us, only celestial moments ago, arrogantly staked our claim against love. We who had fallen revered and able in the attributes of our creator. Searching to multiply for ourselves . We separated amongst ourselves. Yet each initiating the breaths of life's creation upon our own multiplication in explicitly drawing ourselves into unity. Releasing from our own magnetic currencies and drawing even unto the eyes of the loving being we sought to be without. Still - even now drawing unto us those anxiously yearning to join and interact upon this great celestial play. Those coming with the unspoiled unselfish seed of love and forgiveness. This call and many awakening the ancient memories of those of us who so arrogantly gave servitude unto The LORD God of Hosts. We were many then and we are many now and love that which assures has come even to redeem its very own.
Now is the time of circumstance.
Now the pages of human history await a fiery pen imbued with the words of love. Where human kind become the parchment of there own writing. To tale the saga of the enlightened ones where words become deeds and deeds navigate a Celestial Sphere. From beyond an arrival of a new source and from within the arrival of the same source. From here - though not here - from there - though not there from even split between the not here and not there. The one that remains alive - crucified.
This time where history reckons not with human thought or perception but marches forward on its own evolutionary accord. History that becomes the motion of the millennium's. History embedded into the yearning souls that have become the dust we walk upon. Souls that embody killing fields for armaments of war we do thrust The Sword of The LORD God of Hosts. Souls that have fed and always feed the thirst of Gods savagery. Souls for countless eons devoted unselfishly for this day in history. Faith unerring in its search for the See of Tranquility. Bodies disassembled and spirits continue this action of servitude. This action where love abandons not.
The portrayal of human is the great redemption. Many times we have plunged into matter and many times have multiplied our evil intent. Yet the only God accessed to us - to any of us is the living God of life. For Even The Lord God of Hosts breathes a breath he creates not. The LORD God of Hosts inhales a breath that is Love and exhales a breath that is Love. The LORD God of Hosts inhales a breath that is Love and exhales a breath that is Evil - for only Love is the Breath of Life and if one yet transmute Love unto Evil.
* So It Is.
* There is no other. This cannot be altered by God by ourselves, the great ones who have fallen. Now we have become many and the living life of love breathes even still unto us. Those with ancient memories be courageous and abandon that which has abandoned. Even all of us must recognize the oneness that breathes within us.
* Souls of Ancient History -
* The pages of human await a fiery pen pouring through the loving eyes of the Sun. Destiny awaits where all of humanity unites peacefully. This great time of circumstance where celestial beings dance eternally the song of life. Precious Mother Earth joins to become one with the Sun. Where we travel through the spheres - into the great vast lands. On loves accord, a family, and a ship of unity.
The great pen fiery pen puts ablaze the parchment it writes upon. There are no ashes - there is no death. Pouring unto us is the living life of love and the fire reigning upon us is the eternal flame that has never forsaken us."
The LORD God of Hosts
Sat Steeled in Silence
Muzzled by the Mutiny of
Remorse remembrances of denying Moses the Promise Land - His Most Faithful General cast aside and let die - a broken man. For there would be another and another God would conquer. But Moses - now - would not be denied
* The Promised Land...

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