Monday, January 29, 2007

Following is the supporting work for the Jefferson/Paine Religious Terror Taxation Act. It is fluid, in present time and will continue to be added to. The evidence for the following argument is simply overwhelming. In my opinion regarding this matter, silence is no longer an option. Neither is apathy, nor turning an eye that has been enlightened. I have presented my case in a rather whimsy, poetic musing manner. It is my style of writing. It is from years of writing poetry. Irregardless the facts remain the same. I am a poet at heart and if I were not tone deaf I would be a singer in a rock- n roll- band.
Let me begin by stating I know this is a political non-starter. (as of course we still own slaves, women can't vote and everyone sitting at the back of the bus has a hell of a suntan)
My aim with the Jefferson/Paine Religious Terror Taxation Act is it to be a consciousness starter, to factually expose religious handbook backed zealotry and by their own words, hold them accountable where it counts most, in the pocket book. Those who are using prehistoric religious laws for propaganda, extremist views and terrorists activity. At first glance one may say I am attempting to censor religious freedom, nothing could be farther from the truth. I listened to a TV Evangelical preacher adamantly state he if he could, would kill all the gays as he would be doing God's work as it is demanded in the Bible. This horrific mess of a war were in is certainly backed by religious ideology and by all means demanded within the both the Bible and the Quran. Religiously we needed no excuse what so ever to go to war, except that Biblical God and Allah demand it. Osama Bin Laden striking the Twin Towers that horrific New York morning on 9/11 had the blessings of the The Holy Quran. To put it a little more blunt, was demanded by The Holy Quran. That is Allahs wrath penned for the unbeliever and it is penned in text after text after text.
Jefferson/Paine Religious Terror Taxation Act
We The People ~
petition that all churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, religious organizations, schools, universities, all entities unburdened by the Weight of Taxation, to retain the privilege Free From Taxation must expurgate (cleanse) from Religious Worship Handbooks, all text which Condone, Advocate and Command illegal activity according to the laws of the United States of America.
We The People ~
no longer allow our elected officials financially aiding favor to Religious Institutions whose Worship Texts call for actionable abhorrent Holy Acts of Service. Those which demand violence and those which induce the yoke of suppression on ourselves and future generations. Those activities of Holiness creating the Global War of Terror.
All Religious Worship Text including, but not limited to: Hate crimes - Human Rights Violations - Sexual Crimes - Censorship of Speech and Religion - Child Abuse - Animal Cruelty - Suppression and Cruelty of Women - Rape - Incest - Slavery - Terrorism - Torture - Genocide - War Crimes and all Crimes Against Humanity.
Precepts of terror, disguised as Holy Worship to Gods, shall no longer reign as Platforms for Financial Privilege. Religious Institutions whose Worship Text do not uphold the Laws of the Land shall no longer be free from the Tax of the Land of the United States of America.

*We The People ~

example to our ourselves and our children, petitioning before Congress and beacon to the world upholding America in the true light of Spiritual Liberty and the true light of Justice and Freedom. Offering footprints, upholding America in Authentic Family Values. Today this step in history demonstrating Freedom of Speech and Freedom of and from Religion - yet giving no favor, neither financially awarding special privilege, whose Religious Worship Texts, Condone, Advocate and Command violation of the laws of the United States of America.
please sign petition at-
I have also addressed the current patriotic blasphemy that our Forefathers founded America sitting in either Jerry Falwell's or Pat Robertson's church pew. Both who are trampling on our Forefather's graves to promote their religious extremist agendas.. "As the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; .."The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or a Mohammedan nation." (Treaty of Tripoli (1797), carried unanimously by the Senate and signed into law by John Adams ) Rest assured, as this mindset is prominent everywhere on the news cast television and radio shows today. I have personally written whenever I hear this, sending an eye-opener and wake-up call. This is intolerable to me and I am bloody well angry our children are being subject to these blatant lies. They can put together a cowardly agenda on their own spineless composite and quit trampling on the graves of America's Founding Father's. I have openly stated, I will publicly debate them on this anywhere, anyplace, anytime. If anyone can open the door for me, please let me know Kindly tell them to bring a shovel to hide from the public humiliation I will put them through. As strongly as I feel about my religious non convictions they pale in comparison to the blasphemy of our Founding Father's.
Again, one may think I am attempting to censor religious freedom and free speech, nothing could be farther from the truth. What I am suggesting is taxing religious organizations whose worship handbooks promote criminal activity. Nothing more , nothing less. I am not the alone in my views. Those I believe who would be in agreement with me I have quoted from, each one publicly outspoken in their speech and written work in regards to their views on Christianity and Biblical God. These are people I have chosen because of familiarity to the reader. My historic support for what I am doing both Nationally and Internationally is stunningly overwhelming.
Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Mohandas K Gandhi, John Quincy Adams, Patrick Henry, Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Benjamin Franklin, Noam Chompsky,William Shakespeare, James Madison, Robert G. Ingersoll, Harry S. Truman, Abraham Lincoln, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Susan B. Anthony, Ulysses S Grant, Victor Hugo, George Bernard Shaw, Katherine Hepburn,Walt Whitman, George Washington and of course, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine in whose honor I have dedicated this work.
Personally I feel each one of these folk if were able would sign this petition and support me in my work. I am both inspired and comforted by the fact that they have lit the flame and I am simply carrying the torch. I have never been noted as a timid person. Neither have I been known to mince words. Now is the time to quit reading if this is what you are expecting.
I am fully aware of the religious blasphemy I have engaged in. If this is something you feel your sins will not be forgiven for exposing yourself to, now is the time to turn back. I won't be there to argue for you at Saint Peter's Gate. Neither will I be welcomed wherever it is, that is the abode of Allah. I live here on Planet Earth. I intend to die here on Planet Earth. With that said, whatever happens to me afterwards, I choose to fore go both of the prior mentioned above options. Everything I have written here I take complete responsibility. I know what has been said and it is me and only me to be held accountable.
I am a pacifist. I believe in peace. I believe that every situation that is pursued in a violent manner can be solved in an equal and opposite manner. This to me is the law of the universe. This law I believe human can access if so desired.
With your help, I fully intend for the Jefferson/Paine Religious Terror Taxation Act to sit on the desk of President George W. Bush. In my opinion, If he intends to fight a Global War On Terror he should begin by not creating a Global War Of Terror. Personally I believe the President will sign into law a bill that encompasses the statements of the petiton. Quite frankly I believe this because he has the balls to do it. He must as he does, look terror straight between the eyes -He must as he is not noted to read - read this : Mr President for centuries terror has stood on one postulate and that postulate can be expressed in two words: Religious Ideology. Religious handbooks were written by man and printed by man. In my opinion, if God would have had a hand in it , he would have by-passed this step. they would be as nature, as nature is.
Historically, what I am proposing will stand toe to toe with freeing the slaves, women's right to vote and the liberation of the civil rights movement. Which by the way, to achieve these milestones of personal liberty, in regard to slavery and women's rights, those that have made this possible had to overcome centuries of Religious Biblical ideology. They will tell you themselves. In this case, not only will President George W. Bush prove that he can drop bombs on the terror of geography, he will prove he can drop bombs on the terror of religious ideology. I urge him to consult his Earthly Father on the wisdom of this decision and leave his consultations with his Heavenly Father for another day of killing.
George Bush does not have to be smart to be great. On the morning of 9/11 the children he stood in front of reading My Pet Goat -would very easily understand the premise of my proposal. If there is any doubt, I will gladly stand in that classroom and present it to the current children of the class and afterwards you can give them a written quiz.
His God told him to drop bombs on terrorist Iraq "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." (George W. Bush according to Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, from minutes acquired by Haaretz from cease-fire negotiations between Abbas and faction leaders from the Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular and Democratic Fronts (circa, June, 2003), quoted from Arnon Regular, "'Road map is a life saver for us,' PM Abbas tells Hamas" ( June 27, 2003), quoted from EvilOz (The Iterative Record)
My God has told me to tell him to drop bombs on terrorist religious ideology. He has opened the door to place himself in a very unique place in history. In The War On Terror , one bomb cannot be dropped with out the other. He can be, if he so chooses, as he was in the aftermath of 9/11 - internationally loved. Those that will hate him are those who hated him then and they are the ones who are standing in the way of true democracy and freedom now.
I have e-mailed President George W. Bush personally via The White House the Jefferson/Paine Religious Terror Taxation Act. As he is a busy man the introduction was short, to the point and as follows: Title _ (New World Terror Solutions)
If King George doesn't sign it the first President will....
Read petition and signature comments.
Sign it.
Leave a strong statement.
Send this message to another.
Know you have made history.

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